Evacuation Management
Police and Fire departments protect life and property during a disaster. Crisis Track provides functionality to help track typical functions during a disaster such as evacuation management and re-entry permit tracking. Using GIS and tax records for your organization, public safety teams can use the Crisis Track mobile app to canvas residences inside a potential area of concern to determine the evacuation status. After the incident occurs, public safety teams can use Crisis Track to issue re-entry permits based on your tiered re-entry permit program.
Documenting Time
Properly documenting your public safety team's personnel and equipment time spent responding to the event has always been difficult. Most responders focus on the issues resulting from the storm and delay filing the documentation for weeks or even months.
FEMA Project Worksheets
As your field teams log into the Crisis Track mobile application to respond to events, the software automatically tracks the people and equipment time used to perform the disaster management tasks. There's no extra reporting needed. Not only do these time records show up on completed FEMA Project Worksheets, but Crisis Track also adds these costs to your preliminary damage assessment numbers.